
Know thy audience: Using surveys to understand your readers

By Data and Insights Analyst Zahra Khalid Local news organisations thrive on the connection they have with their community. With consistent changes in the fast evolving media landscape, surveys are a great tool to stay informed on your audience’s preferences and behaviour.  Below are a few things to keep in mind when sending out surveys. Once […]


The US presses forward while Australian journalism is left scrambling

With many Australian news businesses fighting for sustainability, attention turns overseas for replicable support models that work. The US regulatory environment provides a soft cushion for newsrooms to bring in donations where Australia’s policy-makers are yet to recognise public interest journalism’s social value.

Maximising Engagement

The goal posts are constantly moving in terms of social media platforms and other avenues of engagement, so we've done our best to round up your options in 2023.

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Ensuring Digital Accessibility

When publishing digital content, we have a responsibility to ensure that this content is accessible to all. Web content accessibility is covered by the Disability Discrimination Act of 1992 (DDA).

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Canva for Journalists

Canva is an essential tool for journalists, whether you’re part of a big newsroom or building your own media brand. This series explores how to use Canva to create assets quickly and easily whether you’re in the newsroom or out in the field.

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