Our News. Your Voice.
A national movement of newsrooms calling on our communities to support local and independent news.
2025 expressions of interest open now to newsrooms
donated to newsrooms in 2024
Returning Monday 28 April to Sunday 4 May, 2025
Our News. Your Voice was a week-long, Australia-wide pledge drive by 32 local and independent newsrooms, all members of LINA. Each publication received donations directly from their communities via their unique donation pages. $92,000 was raised from 941 individual donations, which was then matched, doubling individual contributions.
The campaign is set to be repeated from Monday 28th April to Sunday 4th May, 2025.
Founded in 2021, the Local and Independent News Association (LINA) is a not-for-profit industry body supporting digital news publishers to increase the diversity, relevance and sustainability of news services in communities across Australia. LINA’s goals are to strengthen public interest journalism and provide capacity-building support, networking, services and resources to digital newsrooms.
Mass content syndication, prolific AI-fuelled misinformation and disinformation, and rushed reporting lacking nuance and diverse representation… These are some of the challenges all of us in the Australian public must contend with when it comes to accessing important news.
But in the midst of this media crisis, local and independent media organisations are rising tall to provide quality, accessible, verified and locally relevant news.
The green shoots of an industry in transition, many of these publications emerged from news deserts to deliver critical information to their communities during the global pandemic, in times of environmental disaster, important elections, or in the context of rising cost-of-living, when accountability from leaders and big economic players is more important than ever.
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LINA members are locally owned and controlled news publishers, creating news content by and for a defined community. LINA members are:
- Publishing high quality news content that meets the LINA Editorial Standards. While publishers might also have a print publication and/or other distribution platforms, LINA members are digital native;
- Independent ownership, within the community they serve;
- Engaging journalists and contributors who are based within the location/community; and
- Producing content that is community focussed, delivery public interest news and information on a broad range of topics to the community and responsive to the needs and priorities of their community.
Manly Observer is a hyperlocal news service covering the Northern Beaches in Sydney. Our number one aim is to keep the fourth estate alive and lower Northern Beaches residents informed and connected. We endeavour to be as direct and clear as we can, with a fair and non- sensationalist approach to reporting. It is run by locals for locals.