Here’s what’s happening at LINA and other related organisations around Australia and the world. Catch up on research, news and keep up to date on our programs to support hyperlocal news.
Election reporting resources for newsrooms and journalists
LINA welcomes News MAP announcement
Misinformation and Disinformation Bill abandoned
Media democratisation vs local news: surprising rivals in the battle for healthy democracies
Urgent action needed on recommendations of social media inquiry
Government must support local and independent news in lieu of Royal Commission or media inquiry

LINA welcomed members together in Port Douglas for the second annual LINA Summit in May 2024. You can view event photos, presentation slides and notes, as well as access linked resources.
Media job opportunities
For journalists looking for work in a local or independent newsroom and publishers wishing to expand their teams — here are some handy sites to look for jobs or advertise positions:
Public interest journalism builds communities and fosters democracy by facilitating public discussion, ensuring diversity of voice, providing open justice, holding public power to account and providing accurate and reliable information.
Centre for Media Transition, Media Diversity in Australia submission, December 2020
Keep track of what’s on
The Australian Newsroom Mapping Project
From the Public Interest Journalism Initiative
“As of April 2022, PIJI’s data showed that 31 Local Government Areas in Australia had no print or digital local news outlets (represented by grey areas on the map below). Across the country, rural and regional areas are the worst affected by declines in local news. Local news outlets cover councils, courts, schools, emergency events, and many more things of importance communities. A lack of local news undermines community resilience and the accountability of public institutions. PIJI’s Local News Producers data can be viewed nationally or state by state. They give a birds-eye view of where and how, local news availability is changing over time.”