LINA welcomes News MAP announcement

The Local & Independent News Association (LINA) welcomes the Albanese Government’s investment in the news industry through the News Media Assistance Program (News MAP) announced today. The commitment of $153.5 million over four years to implement the News MAP follows a long period of industry consultation, including extensive discussion with LINA. “We are pleased to […]

Misinformation and Disinformation Bill abandoned

The government announced on Sunday that it will not proceed with the Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2024, on the basis that “there is no pathway to legislate this proposal through the Senate”. LINA has been has been involved in consultation throughout the development of the Bill. LINA Executive Director Claire Stuchbery

Urgent action needed on recommendations of social media inquiry

The Joint Select Committee on Social Media and Australian Society has released its second interim report with a focus on digital platforms and the traditional news media. The Committee’s Terms of Reference are broad and this interim report covers the changing media landscape in Australia and the News Media Bargaining Code. LINA has been involved

Government must support local and independent news in lieu of Royal Commission or media inquiry

The Environment and Communications Legislation Committee on Thursday released recommendations that the proposed Murdoch Media Inquiry Bill 2023 not be passed.  The Committee found that the establishment of a Commission of Inquiry “was not the most appropriate mechanism for addressing the challenges facing Australia’s media landscape, especially since a significant range of measures to address

How a Canadian newsroom monetised solutions journalism

A buzzword of the moment, ‘solutions journalism’ is a product of the news media which is widely accepted as having meaningful and positive impacts within society. Some innovative newsrooms are also finding ways to monetise this reporting, supporting the ongoing sustainability of their organisation and thus their ability to continue to produce public interest journalism.

How an advisory group can strengthen your news service

There are a handful of LINA member publishers established as not-for-profits with a Board providing a gentle steer on the direction of the organisation. But most publishers in the LINA movement are for-profit entities sparked by an individual with a passion for the community they live in and a desire to share what’s happening in

How to register a news organisation as a charity

By Vivienne Wynter, Founder and Editor of The Pineapple When setting up an independent news organisation, there are several legal business entities available to choose from including a company, incorporated association, charity, cooperative and many more. Some news organisations register as a charity due to these benefits: In the United States and Europe, many news

2024 LION Summit

Driving newsroom revenue through impact tracking

LINA Executive Director Claire Stuchbery attended the 2024 LION Summit in Chicago, USA, and shared findings from the session ‘Making a Difference: Measuring and communicating the impact of strong local journalism’. Subscribe to our newsletter to follow along with more updates.  For busy newsrooms trying to keep up with the constant demands of reporting the

Mental health reporting for journalists

It can be both delicate and challenging reporting on mental health related issues. Journalists also have a responsibility to report safely on these topics. Here are four resources for guidance around legal assistance, story ideas, writing about suicide/alcohol/drug use and how to focus on solutions journalism. • Dr Elizabeth Paton from Mindframe presents this video

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